This is us
The Family
Software Engineer, also known as Chaos and that for good reason. Master of everything up to 85%, then it's done. Progress daily is required, may be interpreted freely (finishing up that Ben&Jerrys counts as progress). Green tea all day every day, reason why we have a pot of wet tea leaves moving around the kitchen all day (I may still drink that second brew).
Stupid shit ideas at its best, up to anything that involves backflips, bikes and/or challenge accepted situations. Always has a never-ending list of ideas, wishes and upgrades available. Main driver without any sense of orientation. Night owl, dreamer, introvert at its best. Favorite Sentence: If nothing's for sure, anything can happen.
Main Navigator and photographic memory. Chocolate and Coffee for life. Main writer, just because she's Type A and actually sees a to-do-list as something to-do. Night owl and book-loving introvert. Did I mention coffee? Not adventurous at all and on this trip because she didn't realize what she got into. Owner of the beat-up camera that's responsible for all the pictures. Baking means therapy means those muffins tell you that something isn't right. Mainly responsible for those last 15%. Favorite Sentence: I need sleep and/or coffee.
Main Noise-maker and wild card, social butterfly at its best. Only one who is really awake at 7am. Producer of 90% of all drawings in this household, proud owner of Junior Ranger Badges and a Mountain Goat. She's a character, a wild child, but she'll tell you she wants to go to princess school. A babbling tornado of all the things. Always looking out for her little brother, until he's on her side of the room.
Favorite Sentence: But, did you know…?
Favorite Sentence: But, did you know…?
Middle child if you count the dog. Born on the road, the most content kid until he finds out that his entire rock or stick collection has to stay behind at every campsite. Hates hair cuts more than he loves food, and that says something. He will hit his head, just give him a minute. Loves his selection of cars above everything, they can talk and they need to be sorted based on colors. Tried a frontflip on his bike out of the trailer, and then tried it again.
Favorite Sentence: But Mamaaaaa…why?
Favorite Sentence: But Mamaaaaa…why?
We thought we were done with traveling, and then we weren't, but we got a dog in the meantime. Officially an adult dog, but he didn’t get the memo. He will sniff your butt and he won't stop. Once you show him love he will jump on you and love you fiercely. He’s convinced that he’s a lap dog, and he wants to prove it to you. Fierce protector from all kinds of dangers, including turkeys and slowly falling pillows. Those are the worst. Secretly thinks he's a human but knows damn well he shouldn't be sleeping on the bed. Destroyer of seatbelts, boots, pants,…
The Rig

the big grey elephant is our latest addition to our ever growing list of vehicles we lived in. She joined the family just before the grand Pandemic in 2020. She has all the bling blings of a car we don’t deserve, and we made sure to introduce her to our family with a three-month stay on a dry lake bed to start the buildout. There’s dust behind the walls, mosquitoes preserved in the poly on the walls and most cabinets are somewhat level. It’s home, not the biggest but the coziest, the most reliable one and the one that gets us places we didn’t go before.
Past vehicles