Joshua Tree Dry Lake
Staying at the Mohave Desert was great, Mittry Lake was fun but the Joshua Tree Dry Lake Bed was awesome. I think the pictures may be better at describing how awesome it was. We pretty much kicked the kid out in the morning and shooed her in in the evening. The dust was everywhere and after we left we had a day at the Laundromat and too much time cleaning the bathtub after everyone took a shower.
I wrote this earlier this week and it really is true: Life in the desert is weird and awesome. It’s like a random hippie trailer trash dystopia party. There’s “ern” burned into the dry ground, we have a makeshift skate area with leftover plastic sheets and there are swim googles and chopsticks lying around. I don’t see my kid most of the day because she’s a robot with a diaper box head or a train on the skateboard or just randomly running around laughing. We’re having bonfires and toy rockets and donuts after the kids went to bed and neighbors are bringing over pizza and homemade soup. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun..or the last time I was this dirty.
We had to leave earlier than we wanted because the weather was kicking us out. But I’m looking forward to more weeks like this.
Oh and I put down a new floor in the bedroom and the kids now have bunk beds.