Category: Colorado
Categories: Alabama (1), Arizona (2), Betty Mods (4), Boondocking (12), California (11), Colorado (2), Europe (1), Florida (1), Florida (8), Fulltime Families (8), Georgia (1), Idaho (2), Life (10), Life (9), Mississipi (1), Montana (2), National Parks (7), Nevada (4), Nevada (1), New Mexico (4), Oklahoma (1), Oregon (1), Remodel (6), Texas (2), Travel (18), Uncategorized (17), USA (8), Utah (2), video a day (1), Washington (1), Wyoming (3),
The first time we got a taste of the fascinating western nature. Snowcapped mountains on one side, neverending prairie on the other. And hip little towns like Boulder in the middle of it, basically the hipster town of the middle west. Or that’s what the interwebs say. It wasn’t that far off from what we could tell, being there for...
Texas/New Mexico/Colorado
We couldn’t wait to leave the green part of Texas behind. It’s been enough trees for a lifetime. Basically, trip planning goes as follows: We choose a destination, we split the tour in several 2 to 3 hour trips, take work days into consideration to avoid unnecessary stress and then end up driving the whole tour in one, two...