Category: New Mexico
Categories: Alabama (1), Arizona (2), Betty Mods (4), Boondocking (12), California (11), Colorado (2), Europe (1), Florida (1), Florida (8), Fulltime Families (8), Georgia (1), Idaho (2), Life (10), Life (9), Mississipi (1), Montana (2), National Parks (7), Nevada (4), Nevada (1), New Mexico (4), Oklahoma (1), Oregon (1), Remodel (6), Texas (2), Travel (18), Uncategorized (17), USA (8), Utah (2), video a day (1), Washington (1), Wyoming (3),
New Mexico/Arizona/Nevada
We spend one week in Albuquerque, NM and it was a roller coaster ride. Not because of Albuquerque but because of us. We made plans. And changed those plans. Made new plans. Made promises to friends. Maybe to make us keep those plans? Changed the plans again. Similar to the time we spend in Colorado. Driving down to Albuquerque was our...
[New Mexico] Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks
The Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument is located about 60 miles north of Albuquerque. I heard about them when Technomedia went there a few weeks ago, but we didn’t expect much of it. Man, we were wrong. They were among the most stunning landmarks we’ve seen yet. You can choose between several hikes, an eas...
[New Mexico] Albuquerque
Driving to Albuqurque was not really planned. And I really didn’t want to leave Colorado. I’ve heard so many good things, this Eldorado has to be here somewhere! Well, I guess it is, just not where we were looking. And a looming snow storm prevented further exploring. And so we went south. ...
Texas/New Mexico/Colorado
We couldn’t wait to leave the green part of Texas behind. It’s been enough trees for a lifetime. Basically, trip planning goes as follows: We choose a destination, we split the tour in several 2 to 3 hour trips, take work days into consideration to avoid unnecessary stress and then end up driving the whole tour in one, two...