Category: Travel

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Long term plans

We’re about 20 minutes south of Dallas right now and wondering if this summer will eventually end at some point. Yes, sunny is nice. Warm is nice. But we’ve had 11 months with only a few days colder than 85°F.  Or: I can’t remember what it’s like to be non-sweaty. For showers to be worth it. I’m probably weird but this nev...


Georgia Alabama Mississippi

I don’t remember the last time we made plans more than a few days ahead and actually followed along. Even if we did reserve a campground. But we managed to pick up our lovely visitor in Atlanta, GA and unfortunately managed to return her to Birmingham, AL. I wouldn’t have minded to extend her vacation for a few months. We di...


St. George Island State Park

We left the dead zone Manatee Springs SP and headed to Gainesville (to manage some stuff with the bank, celebrate Trader Joes and wonder about a Walmart without groceries). Officially saying goodbye to the beaches. Spending a week on a deserted island (read: driving half an hour for groceries), in the Gulf of Me...


Silver Springs and Manatee Springs

We said our goodbyes to Orlando (without heading to IKEA one last time!) and left westwards. Essentially, the decision was between beach and no beach, before we’re headed to Atlanta in September. And after long discussions, lots of seesaw, pros and cons, and lots of I wants we decided against beach. Well, against the South-Carolina ...


Orlando or: Get it together

“Think of living as an experiment instead of living as like you're making those choices that are dead-end choices.” – Tiny: A story about living small It’s been 9 months since we started this journey. And the chaos started way earlier. And to be honest: It never once stopped. Sure, it’s been easier at times, it’s become...


What do you think about campgrounds? (Stationary vs. on-the-road)

Here we are after 9 months, with one or two principles less and a few naïve plans thrown overboard. Food budget of $400. Nevermind if I laugh. Never stay in one city for too long? Hello Stuart! Modifying Betty to make a beautiful and stylish home? Don’t even get me started on the struggles with that. And then the parents where visit...


West Coast

We’re back in Stuart for a week before heading back to Miami Airport. Feels kinda weird to be back home not really home but kinda and weird.   Good old Lowes parking lot, feels like home. Conclusion from the West Coast: Not worth it. At least when you have a 34ft motorhome and don’t plan on staying at and exploring from ...


South Florida

We barely left Stuart and the pathogens are on us. First the smallest family member got sick and we were able to compare hospitals, then the head of the family caught it and now the men of the house is down. All while the sister is teething and the AC did not miraculously started working again. Would this be a vacation, I would be on my ...